Course information
Syllabus |
ScheduleHere you will find the schedule. This document includes lecture topics, links to readings, dates assignments are due and more.
Photo: |
ConnectingInterested in contacting your classmates or professor about current events, class projects or more? Learn about Slack.
Photo: Jeremie Souteyrat |
Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP
Pulitzer Prize-winning photo: Javier Manzano/AFP
Email: [email protected] Twitter: @mollyyanity | @QUjournalism Class hashtag: #JRN160 Course communication only via Slack Office Hours: Mondays 1-4 p.m., Tuesdays 2:30-5 p.m., Wednesdays 1-4 p.m. Room: CCE 344 Please consult the syllabus, schedule, fellow students and/or website before contacting the professor. BE RESOURCEFUL. Students may use Slack, email or send a direct message to the professor. Do not text. Please allow 24 hours for a response. RESOURCES TO IMPROVE GRAMMAR/WRITING
Active vs. Passive Voice * Grammar Girl (explanation & exercises) * Daily Writing Tips by Ali Hale * Exercises from Subject-Verb/Subject-Pronoun Agreement * Clues, "Rules" and Exercises |