The purpose of the presentation is to ensure you become an expert on your specific nation, to work with a fellow student to understand the intricacies of one of the nations whose women's football team you will see in Australia (or, Australia itself).
For the written paper and the oral presentation, you both will explore the economic and political systems at work in the nation, the historic and modern environment of women's rights in the country, as well as the country's media landscape, its sports environment and how women's sports is viewed/supported. Ultimately, you will answer how that all comes together in the 2023 women's national team of your assigned nation. The paper will engage in details, offer cited evidence of research and may reflect upon course readings, discussions, etc. The presentation, however, will take those details and make them digestible for your classmates (ie, you'll be teaching them about your country). The final presentation is worth 20 percent of your grade -- 10 percent for the written part, 10 percent for the oral presentation. Your paper will be graded on thoroughness, quality of sources and research cites, critical and creative thinking, organization and writing, while the presentation will graded upon how effective it is in teaching your classmates. These are not intended to give the professor time off, to ensure one group member takes on the burden for their peers or to enable a small group of students to talk for an entire class period. The purpose is for you to become an expert on your selected nation while offering that expertise to your colleagues -- and for your classmates to engage, learn and respond. Requirements of written paper * Papers should be well organized, written and edited using a consistent, research-based style for text and citations (MLA, APA, whatever so long as it is consistent throughout the paper). * Be detail-oriented on the following topics: the nation's economic and political systems, the historic and modern environment of women's rights, media landscape, sports environment and how women's sports is viewed/supported, how the women's national team is funded, what it looks like and how it might do in the 2023 World Cup. * Run between 15-20 pages. Requirements of presentation * Presentations should be approximately 20-30 minutes long in total. * Include a visual prompt for the class (PowerPoint, Slides, etc. are all fine) that will be posted to this site. Email the file to Dr. Yanity the day before it is due so she can post it to the site before class. * Invent discussion questions, and/or connect your research and findings to current events, historical discussions/arguments, etc. for your classmates to engage. * Be prepared to answer questions. * Form a collective opinion about the nation based on evidence/research and support the opinion before the class. (You may use course material, supplemental readings, interview experts, or other multimedia.) Expectations of the audience * The audience will provide written feedback, ask questions and be engaged.